There is never a dull moment with a Pisces moon under the sun. The Pisces Moon brings this charm to all areas of your life, from love to intelligence, to even work. There is usually confusion about your feelings and thoughts as they may change at any moment depending on circumstances that suit your needs. Once they do become accustomed to your outside persona, the inner drama begins. This causes them to never really know what to expect from you. You present yourself with an elusive demeanor that allows you to keep those whom you are communicating with off-balance. In fact, you may be so good at this that sometimes people take advantage of your talents and ask too much of your time. If you are this type, you probably have a natural talent for expressing yourself and putting others at ease. The Gemini Sun-Pisces Moon individual is a sympathetic counselor and peacemaker.

You never know what a Gemini will do next! They make unusual connections between things and can be very amusing, yet stubborn - making them easy to tease. Geminis are quick thinkers, but they tend to change their minds a lot, making long term commitments difficult for them. They are flexible, smart and enjoy being the center of attention. The Gemini Sun Pisces Moon personality is a natural-born networker who is able to make friends easily. They have numerous friends because they are magnetic and charming people who easily attract others. They will meet each and every day with energy and enthusiasm. They are the type that has to be always on the move, curious about anything. Gemini Sun Pisces Moon people are one of the most active and curious among all other Sun Moon combinations. They’re described as being intellectually sharp and mentally quick. People with Gemini as their Sun or Moon sign are said to be very adaptable, enthusiastic, talkative, and inquisitive. It is believed that Geminis have an unspoken language which means they can communicate non-verbally and bypass verbal words altogether to do so. They may get along well with most of their peers, but a few that they encounter may be out of sync with them. This is because they are natural egomaniacs. While in any company, they love to make friends and are not very sensitive to the feelings of others. They are stimulated by the presence of others. The Gemini Sun Pisces Moon person is a highly social creature, although talkative. They have strong opinions about the world but always want to hear others' views on things too.
#Gemini sun gemini moon full
Geminis are very lively and enjoy a full social life. The Gemini personality is a complex, artistic, intellectual combination that is also friendly, clever and funny. It can be a good trait while being entertaining but also causes stress for others dwelling in their shadows. Gemini people are also a bit fickle, with dual personalities, which make them unpredictable. The Gemini twins in mythology were known to have two faces with the ability to see what was coming next. They thrive on mental stimulation and can be very good at multitasking. Gemini Sun Pisces Moon sign individuals are quick-witted, highly adaptable and love to explore different activities and ideas.